Kotlin Intro

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as of 1.2

Creative Commons License
Kotlin Intro by Jim J. Moore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Presentation source at https://github.com/jdigger/kotlin-intro-preso


  • Statically typed (JVM and JS)

  • Safe, concise, great interop

  • Functional and OO paradigms

  • Focus on pragmatism

We’ve built tools to support so many nice languages, and we’re still using Java
— JetBrains in 2010

Major JVM Alternatives to the JLS

Dynamic and Pragmatic: Groovy

  • trivial on-ramp from Java

    • .java.groovy

  • build Java conventions (e.g., Beans) into language support

    • the focus was always “how do we make programmer’s lives easier?” over “purity”

  • very sophisticated (almost Lisp-level) meta-programming capabilities

  • static compilation when you want it, dynamic otherwise

  • first major JVM language to have closures, seamless collections support, etc.

Groovy Problems

  • that focus on experimentation/pragmatism over purity led to some problems over time

  • dynamic groovy isn’t fast enough for scripts (starting the JVM), too slow for many server tasks, and not safe enough for “large” systems

    • “too slow” changed over time, especially when the JVM added “indy” support and better GC

  • @CompileStatic let it be a better Java, but a handcuffed Groovy

Functional Hybrid: Scala

  • strongly encourages “true” Functional programming

    • allows ready “escape valves” for imperitive programming for Java interop, performance, or just because that’s what’s understood

  • deep and rich type system allow for much more “provably correct” systems

  • moves a tremendous amount of work away from the programmer and to the compiler

  • the FP focus and strong type systems make it a natural home for big data processing, complex concurrent systems, etc.

Scala Problems

  • the conceptual overhead can be tough for people without a Masters in Category Theory

    • if you don’t grok currying the monads, it can be tough slogging

  • “wrap all the things; then wrap them again”

    • converting between types (especially for Java interop) involves a lot of wrapping and unwrapping

  • between all the symbols and non-intuative rules (e.g. ::) it can take a while to get used to

  • compilation can be slooow and binary incompatability

click and hack java puzzlers

Example Kotlin

class Person(val firstName: String, val lastName: String) {
    val fullName get() = "$firstName $lastName"

Example to Java

public final class Person {
   private final String firstName;
   private final String lastName;

   public Person(@NotNull String firstName, @NotNull String lastName) {
      Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(firstName, "firstName");
      Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(lastName, "lastName");
      this.firstName = firstName;
      this.lastName = lastName;

   public final String getFullName() {
      return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;

   public final String getFirstName() {
      return this.firstName;

   public final String getLastName() {
      return this.lastName;
public final class Person {
Item 17: Design and document for inheritance or else prohibit it
— Effective Java

In specific cases this can be a pain, such as with Spring. But there’s a trivial fix.

Kotlin’s type system is aimed at eliminating the danger of null references from code, also known as the The Billion Dollar Mistake.
— Kotlin Docs
private final String firstName;

public final String getFirstName()


Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(firstName, "firstName");
private final String firstName;
public Person(@NotNull String firstName, @NotNull String lastName) {
    Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(firstName, "firstName");
    Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(lastName, "lastName");
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;
Item 15: Minimize Mutability
— Effective Java

Collections Mutability

val list = listOf("a", "b")
// list.add("c") <- compiller error
println("list instance " + list.javaClass)
// list instance class java.util.Arrays$ArrayList

// (list as java.util.List<String>).add("c") <- throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

val mlist = mutableListOf("a", "b")
println("mlist instance " + mlist.javaClass)
// mlist instance class java.util.ArrayList
private final String firstName;

public final String getFirstName() {
    return this.firstName;
Item 14: In public classes, use accessor methods, not public fields
— Effective Java

Computed Properties, Implicit Types, and String Interpolation

val fullName get() = "$firstName $lastName"
public final String getFullName() {
    return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;

Sensible Class Defaults

class Person(val firstName: String, val lastName: String) {
    val fullName get() = "$firstName $lastName"
  • Kotlin auto-hides (makes private) a class’s internals (e.g., fields)

  • The default visibility is public

  • The default way of accessing a class’s data is through its properties (getters and setters)

  • The default for classes, fields, methods, local variables, etc. is to be final

  • The default constructor makes sure the class is fully initialized

  • Exceptions are “runtime”

But What About equals() hashCode() etc?

Aren’t there “sensible defaults” for those too?

data class Person(val firstName: String, val lastName: String) {
    val fullName get() = "$firstName $lastName"
// ... everything before, and in addition ...
public String toString() {
    return "Person(firstName=" + this.firstName + ", lastName=" + this.lastName + ")";

public int hashCode() {
    return (this.firstName != null ? this.firstName.hashCode() : 0) * 31 + (this.lastName != null ? this.lastName.hashCode() : 0);

public boolean equals(Object var1) {
    if (this != var1) {
        if (var1 instanceof Person) {
            Person var2 = (Person)var1;
            if (Intrinsics.areEqual(this.firstName, var2.firstName) && Intrinsics.areEqual(this.lastName, var2.lastName)) {
                return true;

        return false;
    } else {
        return true;

public final Person copy(@NotNull String firstName, @NotNull String lastName) {
    Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(firstName, "firstName");
    Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(lastName, "lastName");
    return new Person(firstName, lastName);

public final String component1() {
    return this.firstName;

public final String component2() {
    return this.lastName;

// $FF: synthetic method
// $FF: bridge method
public static Person copy$default(Person var0, String var1, String var2, int var3, Object var4) {
    if ((var3 & 1) != 0) {
        var1 = var0.firstName;

    if ((var3 & 2) != 0) {
        var2 = var0.lastName;

    return var0.copy(var1, var2);

All that’s cool, but I can get most of that with Project Lombok…​

Kotlin form of that copy method

Kotlin has named parameters and parameter defaults. The Kotlin form of that copy method is actually

fun copy(firstName: String = this.firstName,
         lastName: String = this.lastName) =
    Person(firstName, lastName)

which means I can write

val jimMoore = Person("Jim", "Moore")
val kellyMoore = jimMoore.copy(firstName = "Kelly")
val jim2 = jimMoore.copy() // silly "defensive copy", since immutable

The componentN methods allow for "destructuring"

val jimMoore = Person("Jim", "Moore")
val (fn, ln) = jimMoore
val kellyMoore = jimMoore.copy(firstName = "Kelly")
val people = listOf(jimMoore, kellyMoore)
val firstNames = people.map { person -> person.firstName }
val lnFn = people.map { (firstName, lastName) -> "$lastName, $firstName" }
val lastNames = people.map { (_, lastName) -> lastName }

Kotlin Declaration

fun copy(firstName: String = this.firstName,
         lastName: String = this.lastName) =
    Person(firstName, lastName)
  • It looks like an expression because it is: there’s a heavy preference for expressions over statements

  • The return type can be specified, but it’s infered from the RHS (Right Hand Side) since equality is symetric

Can You Spot the Java Bug?

public static void printIncOne(Integer i) {
    System.out.println(i + 1);

Invoke the Method

public static void printIncOne(Integer i) {
    System.out.println(i + 1); // throws NullPointerException

public static void main(String[] args) {


Null is a first-class part of the type system

  • Similar to null in SQL, it’s not “just another value” but truly “the absense of a value”

  • If a value may have a null, its type-specification MUST declare that; otherwise it’s not allowed

  • The Kotlin docs has a simple write-up on Null Safety and how to work with it

Null Idiom Example

val files = File("Test").listFiles() // Array<out File>?
println(files?.size ?: "empty")

as Java

File[] files = (new File("Test")).listFiles();
Object var2 = files != null ? files.length : "empty";

Kotlin Version of incrOne

fun incrOne(i: Int) {
    println(i + 1)

fun incrOneNullable(i: Int?) {
    println(i + 1) // <- compiler error
    if (i != null) {
        println(i + 1)

Kotlin incrOne → Java

public static final void incrOne(int i) {
    int var1 = i + 1;

public static final void incrOneNullable(@Nullable Integer i) {
    if (i != null) {
        int var1 = i + 1;

Let the Compiler Do the Work

Kotlin has no “primative” types, but gives you the benefits of them while also providing the richness of objects

one option

Singletons and Companion Objects

class AClass {
    companion object {
        fun foo() {}
        fun runner(r: Runnable) { r.run() }

fun aFun() {
    AClass().foo() // error
    AClass.runner(object : Runnable, Closeable {
        override fun run() {}
        override fun close() {}

Objects are Cool and All, But…​

"…​ In the Kingdom of Javaland, where King Java rules with a silicon fist, people aren’t allowed to think the way you and I do.

In Javaland, you see, nouns are very important, by order of the King himself. Nouns are the most important citizens in the Kingdom.

They parade around looking distinguished in their showy finery, which is provided by the Adjectives, who are quite relieved at their lot in life. The Adjectives are nowhere near as high-class as the Nouns, but they consider themselves quite lucky that they weren’t born Verbs…​"

Functions (Verbs) are “Free”

fun noClassFunction() = "Look, Ma!"

class AClass {
    fun doSomething() {
        fun anotherFun() {

Not everyone is quite ready for such liberty, and King Java can still interact with such free-born verbs. While in his land they are bound to artificial containers, such as a “package class.”

Extending Classes

Often the class definitions we’re given are insufficient, leading to creating zillions of “Utils” classes

Static languages like Scala allow for “implicit types” to allow for easy conversions between types (typically by wrapping)

Dynamic languages give you a lot of freedom to change what classes can do.

  • Ruby has “monkey patching”

  • Javascript has prototype

What if we could have it “all”?

  • Static AND context-sensitive typing?

  • Simple AND clear?

  • oh, and make it efficient (CPU/Mem)

Extension Methods

fun String.beAwesome() = this + " is AWESOME!"
val String.awesomeness get() = this + " is AWESOME!"
val String?.`is here?` get() = (this ?: "Nothing") + " is here"

fun m() {
    null.`is here?`

Sadly, while the JVM has method names as "just a string", the JLS doesn’t allow for it. So anything written against the JLS can’t invoke it directly.

Extension Methods - Java

@NotNull public static final String beAwesome(@NotNull String $receiver) {
    Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull($receiver, "$receiver");
    return $receiver + " is AWESOME!";

@NotNull public static final String getAwesomeness(@NotNull String $receiver) {
    Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull($receiver, "$receiver");
    return $receiver + " is AWESOME!";

@NotNull public static final String is_here_/* $FF was: is here?*/(@Nullable String $receiver) {
    StringBuilder var10000 = new StringBuilder();
    String var10001 = $receiver;
    if ($receiver == null) var10001 = "Nothing";
    return var10000.append(var10001).append(" is here").toString();

public static final void m() {
    // INVOKESTATIC ScratchKt.is here? (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;

Notes On Extension Methods

  • You can define them at any scope you define functions

  • They are defined AND resolved statically (i.e., no polymorphism)

In other words, you can define them to be just in scope for a class or a package. Or in multiple places, as long as they are imported.

More of Making the Right Thing Easy

public class MClass {
    private String a;
    private String b;
    public void setA(String a) { this.a = a; }
    public void setB(String b) { this.b = b; }

public class AClass {
    public MClass mclass;
    public init() {
        this.mclass = new MClass();
  • Bad(ish) concurrency: If another thread has the AClass, it can read/write the incomplete instance

  • Bad(ish) performance: Accessing the heap is slow compared to the stack


public class AClass {
    public MClass mclass;
    public init() {
        MClass mclass = new MClass();
        this.mclass = mclass;

.apply {}

From the stdlib

public inline fun <T> T.apply(block: T.() -> Unit): T {
    return this


class KClass {
    var mclass: MClass
    fun init() {
        mclass = MClass().apply {
            a = "foo"
            b = "bar"

.run {}

public inline fun <T, R> T.run(block: T.() -> R): R {
    return block()


println("something".run {
    capitalize() + " is afoot"
}) // prints "Something is afoot"
Item 16 : Favor composition Over Inheritance
— Effective Java


interface Base {
    fun print()

class BaseImpl(val x: Int) : Base {
    override fun print() { print(x) }

class Derived(baseDelegator: Base) : Base by baseDelegator

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val delegate = BaseImpl(10)

Delegation - Java

public final class Derived implements Base {
   private final Base $$delegate_0;

   public Derived(@NotNull Base baseDelegator) {
      Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(baseDelegator, "baseDelegator");
      this.$$delegate_0 = baseDelegator;

   public void print() {

Delegation - Properties

You can do the same thing for properties, so you can create common libraries for property access patterns

  • lazy: the value gets computed only upon first access

  • observable: listeners get notified about changes to this property

  • storing properties in a map, instead of a separate field for each property

Delegated Properties Example

val lazyValue: String by lazy {

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // computed!
    // Hello
    // Hello

Autocasting, Reflection, and when structure

fun hasPrefixOrOdd(x: Any) = when(x) {
    is String -> x.startsWith("prefix")
    is Int -> x % 2  == 1
    else -> false

Just the Start

  • Coroutines

  • Reified Generics

  • Clear Co/Contra-variance

  • Sealed Classes

  • Rich collections (and creation)

  • Easy ranges

  • Operator overloading and infix methods

  • Type aliases

  • Most statements are expressions (if, try, etc.)

  • Tail recursion

  • etc…​
