gradle-defaults / com.mooregreatsoftware.gradle.util

Package com.mooregreatsoftware.gradle.util


FileUtils class FileUtils
GrGitUtils class GrGitUtils
JavacUtils class JavacUtils
JdkVersion data class JdkVersion
LangUtils class LangUtils

Extensions for External Classes



isBuggyJavac val isBuggyJavac: Boolean


compareMaps fun <K : Comparable<K>, V : Comparable<V>> compareMaps(m1: Map<K, V>?, m2: Map<K, V>?): Int

Compares two Maps of Comparable items. If one is null, that sorts lower. If one's size is smaller, that sorts lower. Otherwise the keys are compared. (See .compareSets.) If the keys are the same, the first difference in the values found when searching the sorted keys is used for the comparision.

compareSets fun <U : Comparable<U>> compareSets(s1: Set<U>?, s2: Set<U>?): Int

Compares two Sets of Comparable items. If one is null, that sorts lower. If one's size is smaller, that sorts lower. Otherwise the first non-equal value after they are sorted is used for the comparision.

createConfiguration fun createConfiguration(confName: String, dependenciesConsumer: (DependencySet) -> Unit, configurations: ConfigurationContainer): Configuration

Creates a new Configuration with the given name, configuring the dependencies using the Consumer.

deleteDir fun deleteDir(path: Path): Unit

Delete a directory, akin to "rm -rf".

detectTopPackageName fun detectTopPackageName(projectConvention: Convention): String?
getConfiguration fun getConfiguration(confName: String, dependenciesConsumer: (DependencySet) -> Unit, configurations: ConfigurationContainer): Configuration

Gets the named Configuration from the Project. If it does not yet exist, it is created and the dependencies are configured using the Consumer.

jdkVersion fun jdkVersion(): JdkVersion
sourceSets fun sourceSets(projectConvention: Convention): SourceSetContainer?
stream fun <T> stream(items: Iterable<T>): Stream<T>