Plugin providing opinionated defaults for Gradle builds, making it easier to use some useful plugins, and coordinating between plugins.
Requires Gradle 2.14+
Language Support
If the java
plugin is applied:
Add tasks and artifacts for
. -
Sets the compiler target and source compatibility versions based on the
(defaults to the version of Java used to compile) -
Configures the JAR MANIFEST.MF to include
Implementation-Title =
{project.description ?:}
Implementation-Version =
Built-By =
{userEmail as known to git’s "" configuration}
Built-Date =
Built-JDK =
Built-Gradle =
{Gradle version being used}
Adds support for Lombok for Java projects. If a project has Java code it is assumed to
need Lombok, unless it is explicitly disabled with lombok.enabled = false
You can change the version of Lombok to use by setting lombok.version
. The current default is "1.16.8".
Both compiling from Gradle and IntelliJ IDEA projects are supported.
Checker Framework
Adds support for Checker Framework for Java projects.
If a project has Java code it is assumed to need Checker Framework, unless it is explicitly disabled
with checkerFramework.enabled = false
You can change the version of Lombok to use by setting checkerFramework.version
. The current default is "2.0.1".
Both compiling from Gradle and IntelliJ IDEA projects are supported.
If the groovy
plugin is applied:
Adds tasks and artifacts for
. -
Sets the compiler target and source compatibility versions based on the
(defaults to the version of Java used to compile)
If the scala
plugin is applied:
Adds tasks and artifacts for
. -
Sets the compiler target and source compatibility versions based on the
(defaults to the version of Java used to compile)
If the kotlin
plugin (org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin
) is applied:
Adds tasks and artifacts for
if the Dokka plugin has also been applied -
Sets the compiler target and source compatibility versions based on the
(defaults to the version of Java used to compile)
Publishing & Releasing
GitHub Pages
Applies org.ajoberstar.github-pages
Will publish content from src/gh-pages
. In addition, will generate and publish API documentation for Java, Scala,
Groovy and Kotlin.
If the openSource
property is set to true (either against the project or the defaults
extension), the
license plugin (com.github.hierynomus.license
) is applied.
It uses the license header from gradle/HEADER
, injecting defaults.copyrightYears
for ${year}
in the header.
Strict checking (fail a check
if all needed files do not have license information) is enabled.
Sets .java
, .groovy
, .scala
and .kt
files to use slashstar style (/* */
) instead of default
javadoc (/** */
) style for the license header.
Properties files are excluded from checks.
Release Plugin
The org.ajoberstar.release-opinion
plugin is applied.
The release
task depends on clean
, build
and publishGhPages
, as well as bintrayUpload
if BinTray is being used.
Maven Publishing
The maven-publish
plugin is applied and the main
publication includes any of the following that exist:
The POM is configured with information from the project and the "defaults" extension, see its Javadoc.
MavenLocal is added as a publishing location.
If com.jfrog.bintray
is applied and bintrayUser
and bintrayKey
properties are set on the project, then the following configuration is set in addition to any that the build file explicitly configures:
If defaults.bintrayLabels
includes gradle
, the gradle-plugin
attribute is set to support the Gradle plugin portal for any plugin IDs in src/main/resources
The main
publication from "Maven Publishing" is published to the BinTray repository.
The BinTray project is configured with information from the project and the "defaults" extension, see its Javadoc.
IntelliJ IDEA
Applies the idea
Initializes Git as the VCS
Sets the language level to
Code formatting set to reasonable/consistent standards
Adds the
repository. -
Configures ordering rules for tasks:
All tasks should run after
. -
All tasks in the
group should run afterbuild
Example Usage
Here’s the relevant section of this project’s build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { name = 'Defaults Plugin Repo'; url = '' }
maven { name = 'Gradle Plugin Portal'; url = '' }
ext.kotlin_version = '1.1.2'
ext.dokka_version = '0.9.13'
dependencies {
classpath 'com.mooregreatsoftware:gradle-defaults:4.0.0'
// Kotlin support
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
classpath "org.jetbrains.dokka:dokka-gradle-plugin:$dokka_version"
// AsciiDoctor documentation
classpath 'org.asciidoctor:asciidoctor-gradle-plugin:1.5.3'
plugins {
id 'groovy'
id 'com.jfrog.bintray' version '1.7.1'
apply plugin: 'com.mooregreatsoftware.defaults'
group = 'com.mooregreatsoftware'
description = 'Plugin providing opinionated defaults for Gradle projects.'
defaults {
// make sure configuration is done for enforcing licenses, BinTray, etc.
openSource = true
compatibilityVersion = 1.8
orgId = 'jdigger'
bintrayRepo = 'java-lib'
bintrayLabels = ['gradle', 'plugin']
developers = [
[id: 'jmoore', name: 'Jim Moore', email: '']
copyrightYears = '2014-2017'
vcsWriteUrl = ""
lombok.version = "1.16.12"
checkerFramework.version = "2.1.8"
For all of the configurable properties of the "defaults" extension, see its Javadoc.
For now, the three non-MavenLocal repositories are needed in buildscript
— at least until this gets into
the Gradle Plugin Repository.
Multi-Module Support
You only need to apply the plugin to the root project and it will take care of applying sensible defaults to all of its children. (In fact, applying it to any project that’s not the root does nothing and a warning is logged.)
Each sub-module receives its own "defaults" extension that can be used to override the settings of its parent.