2019 UberConf Highlights

uber conf intro 2019

Compiled by Jim Moore based on presentations at UberConf 2019


xkcd  Trained a Neural Net

My own proprietary compression algorithm, turning nearly 40 hours of intense content into less than 2 hours…​

(I’m mixing-and-matching liberally, as well as saying/showing things they often didn’t say but were inspired by what they said…​ Any stupidity is my own.)


  • Yaks

  • Shifting Left

  • Dealing with Scale

  • Being and Becoming

  • Teams

  • misc


yak shaving

Blog Posts

yak categories

What They Do

Prevent you from moving forward (tests, lint, etc.)

Summon with care and track the attacks (“developer experience”)


Tests are for preventing change, but our job is to make changes.

Good Tests

Use tests to keep parts of the system stable that need to be stable (e.g. APIs)

Get rid of “implementation details” that simply make it harder to change how something works


  1. Language

    • TDD: assertEquals(count,5)

    • BDD: $(count).should_be(5)

  2. Granularity of Test

    • TDD often focuses on implementation

    • BDD focuses on intent

Coding Standards

  • automate

  • automate

  • automate

  • document

Tracking the Attacks

In Slack, have an attack yak emoji to help track what’s frustrating people

You can then do a search for the emoji to see what’s causing friction

What They Do

These yaks stack on top of each other, and all need to be shaved

Example of Imperial Yaks

I start working on a story and realize I need to refactor some code to do it, but it doesn’t have any tests. When I start to put them in, I realize I don’t understand it, so I go talk to the person who wrote it. As we’re reviewing it, we realizes it has a significant bug. Fixing it requires talking to some other teams to let them know what’s changing and why. As we’re doing that…​

Keep track of what you are doing!

For adult yaks, coordinate with your team/PO/PM, create the Rally stories, etc.

For baby yaks, classic techniques like notes on a pad of paper next to you, stubbing code, etc. are all great.

Personal Slack

A “personal Slack channel” (e.g., #person-jim-moore) for keeping track of thoughts, error messages, code snippets, links to other Slack messages/emails/etc.

Nice middle-ground between todo lists and scribbling on paper

In addition to keeping track of your own context (especially if you need to switch contexts), you can invite others to hop in, helping bring them up to speed if you need help

Neon Yak

What they do

The yaks you shave to save “future me” and your team, smoothing the road

“Leave things better than you found them”


  • If you have a problem while using an internal library because you’re using it wrong, fix the error message before you’ve fixed your usage

  • Add more automation to the pipeline

The value of automation

brain full

“If you think of these automations as saving time…​ Pbfft! That’s the least of it. It’s about saving space in my and other people’s brains”


The difference in your team’s work with you vs without you

What they do

“Personal productivity”

learning a tool, learning the system, IDE setup, etc.

“Learning the tool”

On learning how git works, “It went from being a spell to being a technology”


Timebox your yak shaving

Pick the time-box before you start! (good thing to post in the personal Slack channel)

Learn the Tech, Systems, Business

DO NOT minimize the business complexity!!

The more you can transfer from what the people deal with into the computer, the better!

Write It Down!

“More than once, I’ve googled a question and it’s taken me to my own blog. Gosh, thank you, 3-year-ago me!”

(Blogging helps get you jobs!)

Yak Racing

Keeping yak benefits to yourself


None of this is a competition

What they do

Talk with others

Helps with Conway’s law

Who knows about what?

Helps with Conway’s law

What do we each need to know?

Take the effort to get everyone on the same page

Helps with Conway’s law

As a leader/influencer, make sure you are clear and proving that “Yes, I want to know”

  • need to know when things are going wrong/well

  • “psychological safety”

  • Have you thought about…​?

Strong opinions, loosely held

Generally a good thing, but can encourage others to be quiet

Level up the team

Have you best people sit back and let the junior people make small mistakes — that’s how you gain experience

Level up the team

Not only do you save the time/energy of your most “powerful” people for the big problems, but it means you have a much more powerful TEAM for tackling the big problems

(Famous fictional examples: Justice League; X-Men’s Danger Room; any successful RPG guild)

Questions are a sign of growing competence

What they do

Creates virtuous cycles, changing both behavior and your reality

“Sometimes when you follow a problem all the way down — how do I make this easier? …​ now how do I make that easier? …​ now what if this were no work at all? you find a different universe. Making something sufficiently easier can produce a sea change, which changes our behavior.”


TDD, Continuous Delivery, Containers, etc.

We shape our tools, and our tools shape us

Personal Example: Git

When I first started using git, I made the understandable mistake of treating it like just another version control tool, with some cool features

It had some strange commands and ways of working, but eventually I learned the tool

After really pushing it to its limits a bunch of times, I realized that it enables a fundamentally different way of viewing all of software development and team collaboration

We shape our tools, and our tools shape us

"Yaks are a part of life and of progress…​

Proven usefulness: look for it. Don’t spend a ton of time until you’ve hit a problem a ton of times. Track your yaks and timebox your attacks. Remember it’s about generativity, not all about you. Fill potholes, and shave a little more so your team can share the benefit."

“Play: Stay curious. Especially learn about the system you work in, both socially and technically. Learn a little extra each time, about your tools, your system, and your companions on this journey. Interact and automate for the wisdom; for changing us, and thereby the world.”

“Yaks. They’re so much more than hair.”

Shifting Left

shift left


Remember These Archaic Objections to “Test Left”?

Testing? There’s another team for that

We can’t add testing to the dev process: That’ll just slow development down

I’m being judged based on how fast I can get features developed; testing is another team’s problem

My devs already have a zillion things they need to master, and you want to adding testing tools and techniques to that?!?

Testing Now A Core Dev-Team Concern


  • Continuous Integration (CI)

  • Embedded QA

Shift Left Operations

Same as Testing, but for Operations 🙂

The “DevOps” movement started bringing operational concerns to development

Scaling Operations

Increasingly we’re moving to a world of

Standardizing Dev Through Ops

  • Containers (esp. Docker)

  • Container Orchestration (esp. Kubernetes [K8s])

Container Notes

  • Effectively they are all based on Linux

  • Because there is no OS to start, they are as efficient as your app can possibly be

  • Tools like Google’s Jib make creating containers crazy-easy

  • Java has been getting a lot of lovin’ lately: from JDK 9 Modules to GraalVM, it’s getting possible to have the efficiencies C++ but keep the niceties of Java

Container Orchestration

The market has essentially shaken out to two:

  • Docker Compose/Swarm - fast and easy

  • Kubernetes - complex and capable

Docker Compose

micro frontends docker compose yml

Example for the micro-frontends we’ll see later

micro frontends 2 up


It’s considered best-practice to run exactly one thing per container (generally this means microservices)

With orchestration, it becomes practical to really break them apart and coordinate them

Kubernetes becomes the computer

Learning Kubernetes

katacoda logo full body

Typical Modern Execution Layers

  • Functions (code)

  • Container/Managed Environment (JVM, CLR, Node, etc)

  • Virtualization (CPU, storage, networking, etc.)

  • Hardware

Typical Modern Execution Layers

  • Functions (code)

  • Container/Managed Environment (JVM, CLR, Node, etc)

  • Virtualization (CPU, storage, networking, etc.)

  • Hardware

Typical Modern Execution Layers

  • Functions (code)

  • Container/Managed Environment (JVM, CLR, Node, etc)

  • Virtualization (CPU, storage, networking, etc.)

  • Hardware

Typical Modern Execution Layers

  • Functions (code)

  • Container/Managed Environment (JVM, CLR, Node, etc)

  • Virtualization (CPU, storage, networking, etc.)

  • Hardware

Typical Modern Execution Layers

  • Functions (code) - ??

  • Container/Managed Environment (JVM, CLR, Node, etc)

  • Virtualization (CPU, storage, networking, etc.)

  • Hardware

What if we want to “deploy” raw code?

What could that look like?


Q: NodeJS v10.16? NodeJS 0.12.18? Nashhorn?

A: Don’t care. As long as it runs ES5, not my problem!


Q: How many instances of NodeJS are running? What are the resources set aside for it (RAM, CPU, storage, etc.)?

A: Don’t care. My code is small, so pretty much anything works.

That would let us go (BUZZWORD ALERT) “servlerless” by running our Function as a Service (FaaS)

There’s still a “server”, but we’re so far abstracted away from it that it’s no longer our problem

Basic Idea

        $ echo 'console.log("froble");' > code.js && \
          docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app \
            -w /usr/src/app node:12 node code.js


  • Run a standardized environment (e.g., NodeJS)

  • Inject the code to run

Providing the capability for production is of course much more complex, but they are all based on this

FaaS Attributes

  • Perfect for burstable workloads of short-lived logic

  • Invoked by triggers: event, cron, PubSub, etc.

  • Transparent scaling/infrastructure

  • Only pay for actual execution, not it sitting idle

Back to Container Orchestration…​

Static Analysis

  • Shift left as much as possible: fix formatting before stupid merge conflicts, common mistakes before PRs, security issues before deployment, etc

  • If you make them attack yaks, don’t endanger developer experience; otherwise make sure you’re tracking and using trends (e.g., SonarQube)

  • Most major linters have IDE plugins, keeping their cost marginal

Some Lesser-Known Gradle Linters

Dealing with Scale


Same, but very different

Often, the same thing is different at different scale

Java Fibers

Number of “useful” threads

        Threads <= (# of cores) / ( 1 - blocking factor )
        Threads <= (# of cores) / ( 1 - blocking factor )


  • 0 < blocking factor < 1

    • computational intensive is closer to 0

    • I/O intensive is closer to 1

“A fun part of getting on any large project is getting an 87 page document dropped on you and in at least three places it says ‘Call Kathy’.”

If it takes a year to come up to speed, you’re doing it wrong. Break it up.

Hypothesis Driven Development

  • We believe <this change>

  • Will result in <this outcome>

  • We will know we have succeeded when <we see a X change in this metric>

Leverage Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) to emphasize the why over the how

Stored as close to implementatin as possible (e.g., an "ADRs" directory in the source-code repo)

“We will…​”, not “I think” or “We should” or anything wishy-washy

Add “Measurements” to verify both that it’s working and compliance

Automate enforcement as much as possible

A JUnit way to enforce architectural compliance is with https://www.archunit.org/

So you want microservices?

ms this tall

Microservices an enormous amount of pain if your organization isn’t capable of dealing with them.

Can you do product/feature teams? Monitor/manage hundreds of instances as easily as one? Rapid provisioning? Fully automated testing and continuous deployment?

Migrating to Microservices

L.O.E.: “Is it a golfball, a basketball, or an airliner?”

Golf ball Basketball Boeing747

"Flatten" the hills

where packages define hills, and subpackages define new strata

Microservices Migration Patterns strata

Flatten strategies

Microservices Migration Patterns existing

Flatten - Moving Down

Microservices Migration Patterns exisiting clean

Bring subpackages "down" into the parent, and classes in parent package into its own package

  • a.cust.notification

  • a.cust.preferences

  • a.cust.info

Flatten - Moving Up

Microservices Migration Patterns exisiting clean

Raise the valleys if you can’t lower the peaks

  • a.cust.notification.sms

  • a.cust.notification.email

  • a.cust.notification.letter

Flatten - Shared

Microservices Migration Patterns exisiting clean

If a package is for classes that are shared between packages, mark it as explicitly “shared”

  • a.cust.notification

  • a.cust.preferences

  • a.cust.shared

Identify Component Dependencies

While both incoming and outgoing matter…​

MOST important is INCOMING

“Who breaks if this does?”

Identify Component Groups (Domains)

Add Access Façade

Macro Services

Micro Services

It’s expensive to convert to microservices, and they are more work to maintain

It’s generally not worth it unless there is

  • constant churn on that functionality

  • the need to (dymanically) scale it beyond what you can do traditionally

Tip: easy way to see what files have a lot of churn

git log --pretty=format: --name-only | sort | uniq -c | \
  sort -rg | head -10

(of course that’s a rough measure that works best if you’re rebasing, squashing, etc.)

Micro Frontends

Excellent Articles About the Ideas

Looks like some nice libraries for doing micro frontends

Excellent Example of Microfrontends and Docker-Compose

Being and Becoming

plato aristotle


(Tuesday’s keynote by Jessica Kerr)


  • Right place, right time

  • It’s who you know


The Benefit and Problem With “Engineering”

We’re taught to take things apart, and when we put the pieces together again in the right way, everything works

If it doesn’t work, we did it wrong

Resources: A Sum of Its Parts

gold bars

More is better…​

Trivial to take apart and put back together

Systems: A Product of Its Integractions


You need to make sure you have exactly the right combination of pieces interacting in the right way

Much harder to take apart and put back together, but you can do it an infinite number of times and get the same result

This is the basis of industrialization

Understanding how to do that right has built the Modern world

But what about things that are much less about “being” and more about “becoming”?

Events, My Boy. Events

(talk by Tim Berglund)


As quoted by Plato in Cratylus:

“Everything changes and nothing remains still…​ you cannot step twice into the same stream”



  • The sum of its parts: Aggregate

  • A product of its parts and interactions: System

  • …​ is there more?


  • The sum of its parts: Aggregate

  • A product of its parts and interactions: System

  • The parts are the product of past interactions: Symmathesy


“sym” - “together”

“mathesi” - “learning”

Classic Examples of Symmathesy

  • Living things

    • organisms

    • evolution

  • Ecosystems

  • Economies


  • Aggregate - Additive

  • System - Multiplicative

  • Symmathesy - Exponential

How do you measure…​

  • …​the way the parts are changed by their interactions?

  • …​how it affects not just the piece, but the whole?

…​especially since the parts are being changed by the changes of the other parts, which changes the whole; and the changes to the whole change the parts?

Are the systems and procedures we build pretending the unmeasured (unmeasurable?) doesn’t exist?

We’ll get back to this when we talk about Teams…​

But now back To those philosophers

  • Plato - Universals (Idealism)

  • Aristotle - Particulars (Realism)

  • William of Ockham - Experience (Nominalism)

What’s Our Philosophy In What We Build?

For example, how do we think of our systems?

  • If you care about “What is (the state of things)?” then you build around databases

  • If you care about “What is happening (to the state of things)?” then you build around events

What most accurately models what we need to know?

Have we defined the problem correctly for us to even know what it is we need to model?


2019 womens worldcup winners

Teams are made of learning/adapting people

In other words, teams themselves are a symmathesy

Great Teams Make Great People

Focus on the Team

avoid “personal performance plans” — focus on the team

Everyone has an incomplete (a.k.a. “wrong”) model of the system in their head.

That’s okay.

Especially if you’re cultivating Trim and Royal yaks…​

It’s much easier to build a mental model than learn one

That’s why the creator of a system always understands it better than anyone else…​

The mental model was literally constructed in their head as they were building the system.


Refactoring is a great way to build up a mental model of the code…​

…​but it destroys the understanding anyone else had

Even if it’s easier to learn now than before, you need to be aware of that cost.

It may be best to toss the refactor, just like you did to tests you wrote for probing how it works.

Mob Programming

It’s not about getting the most out of your team, but the best out of your team

As long as everyone is contributing or learning, the mob is the right size.

If someone is bored, it’s too big. If we’re stuck on something, it’s too small.

Many ideas? Do them all, then decide. Implementation generally makes it clear

Sticky Notes


  • one idea

  • few words

  • easy to read; use sharpies, print

  • capital letters

Documentation as part of your Definition of Done

“But the unit test IS the documentation”

  • unit tests → how to USE the code

  • documentation → how to LEARN the code

Shifts the ego to where if you find yourself explaining why your API is crappy, you figure out how to make it better to avoid saying “I’m an idiot”

Training the team

A nice tool is https://katacoda.com/learn since it gives you that easy, flexible workspace


Simple HTTP status code testing


  • 1-to-1

  • Get out of the office; people talk more easily

  • 90m; let conv end on their own

  • Let them choose

  • don’t talk about work

  • explore different people

  • pay

Don’t use >

Don’t use the greater than sign, and follow the number line

                       5 < x && x < 10


                       x < 10 && x > 5
                       x >  5 && x < 10

or any other combination

Makes it MUCH more consistent and easier to reason about in ways we learned since 1st grade

